I was just writing a little in my journal and realized that I havent written in exactly a Month. Time literally flies here, I have no idea where it all goes. Here is an update of how I have spent my last month:
The first two weeks of August were extremely hectic, signing up for classes here is such a confusing system, so now that that is all over with I can relax a little. I decided to take four classes, history, two different literature classes, and contemporary art. It is such a change from school in the US, definitely a different experience having everything in Spanish.
I am having a hard time believing that its already been two months here, and that I only have four left to go. I don't think even a year here would give me enough time to do everything I'd like to. There are so many places to travel, people to meet, and things to learn here. There is something new every single day. Lately I have been trying to go out after school every day to do something, whether it be having a coffee in a cafe and chatting with someone for a while or a glass of wine (which is oddly the norm here. People order bottles of wine with lunch. It gives me the opportunity to speak in Spanish every day with different people.
Yesterday I met with a few people in a restaurant called La Cumana. The two of them are learning English and are from here in Buenos Aires. You can draw on the table cloth, so we did a little language exchange, and just chatted for a few hours writing down knew words on the table :) I also found out about a thing here in the city called Spanglish which is something similar to speed dating, but you go and have to talk to different people a little bit of the time in Spanish and the other part in English - obviously for the same reason that I had my lunch date. Its a pretty fun thing to do, awkward at times because of language barriers, but that's part of the experience :)
My biggest news as of late is that I am actually moving to a different host family. I plan to move this coming Thursday, to a neighborhood called Recoleta. There are about six other students in the home from all over the world, and there is also a host mom. I met with her last weekend and she seems wonderful so I am looking forward to the change. I'll get to learn about a whole new part of the city as well as meet lots of new people. Change is always hard so I'm a little anxious about the move but I feel like I have to take advantage of the opportunity. I only have four months left and don't want to regret anything about my time here. I learned a new phrase "aprovechar el día" seize the day.. I have a feeling these next four months are going to fly by.
Ill try not to wait so long to write again.
Muchos besos y abrazos (xoxo)